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Lead them and us to know that they are with thee in a better place, Amen.’ The remainder of the service was a celebration of the lives and the accomplishments of Evan and Molly Force and Nathan and Erin Lewis. Because no bodies were available, a table had been placed at the Altar railing with pictures of the two couples from happier days. The pictures had been pulled out of the family photo albums. Looking at the photos, Carol and Marie had the same idea at the same instant. Looking at each other they both smiled in mutual understanding, which drew disapproving frowns from several parishioners. The next several days found the two women cleaning out a spare bedroom at Carol’s house and moving in several tables, chairs, and a typewriter. The basics having been taken care of all of the photographs from the two households were brought in and laid down. Carol’s went on one table and Marie’s on another. The large table in the center of the room would be their work table. Some of the. In themirror, instead of his buddies were two women, two beautiful womensitting on the couch, mirroring his friends exactly. What the hell?"Guys! Stop for a second! Are you even listening to yourselves? You,like, sound like airheads or something. I mean, like, look at themirror, you guys totally look different!"Brandons hand crept up to his mouth as he realized what he soundedlike. His voice sounded so high, so cute! It soundedjust. like. them. C.C. stood up and walked to the mirror, looking athimself, er, herself, this way and that."Oh. My. GAWD! You are like, so right Brandi! How did I leave with myhair like this! I gotta go! You wanna go to the hairdressers Danni?"And in a whirl of airkisses and flying purses they were gone. Brandonjust stared at the door, his heart thumping. His friends...what? How?They changed so much! And him too! How much of him was different?"Testing! One! Two!" His voice just dripped appeal. It looked so weirdto see his face creating such a sexy sound. He.
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