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All the gang gave the two of us standing there a sign of support be it a squeeze or pat on the shoulder or just a nod. Even my new enemy Andi gave me a nod, I guess when it came to MORFS kids hurt by purists I was on her side."Even now it's like I'm not here," said Jane a touch angry, "Why don't I get a hug from Winston." She grinned lecherously and I did my best to smile back but my heart wasn't really in it.Jane and I continued on to our class room and made our way to our usual table without D here there was much more room for the two of us. Her very obvious absence set the two of us blubbering again. As the room filled up this of course lead to questions, either to us or whispered around us.Eventually our teacher showed up and any chattering was quietened.He looked tired today and felt more than a little sad. He looked over at me and Jane and gave us both a sympathetic look."Class, I have some unpleasant news. Dorothy Newman was attacked last night and badly injured. She is in the. I thought for sure it had to do with the frequency of my supervisor calls. Or maybe my ill conceived messages I'd emailed to the client.Management of course, has to be conservatively dressed. Jolene's neckline seemed a little low, but otherwise, you know, generic corporate pant suit."What did I do this time?" I asked."Relax," said the narrow blonde woman. "You're not in trouble. Log out and come with me."I deactivated my phone and computer, following the woman up to Brandice's desk as she gave her the same instructions. The thought entered my mind that maybe she'd set up something between us, but this is reality we're talking about.That fact became more evident as Jolene grabbed other people from the phones. There was Yasmeen, a mocha skinned girl with long kinky hair, clad in a tight little sweater, tan leggings that were practically pantyhose. You could see outlines of her underwear through the sheer material...Wanda, kinky hair, clad in what looked like a purple unitard, white.
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