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She said she needed to think about it, and after a couple of days, she said she was OK with it. I was still me and this bit of information didn't change that. She did mention that she wished she knew that I was bisexual earlier, since it kind of unnerved her to think she pranced in front of me in her underwear all the time. She admitted it would take her a bit to get comfortable with it. Anyway, it's as good a response I can hope for, I think." She didn't have a problem that you were intimate with your sister?" If she did, she didn't mention it." Allison paused for a moment, then smiled as a warm feeling filled her. "God, after tomorrow, to the majority of the world, I won't be Abigail's sister, I'll be her wife. I have mixed feelings about that, you know? I feel like I'm losing a part of my identity, but at the same time, I think it's a small price to pay."Brianna leaned over and hugged her. "She'll always be your sister in your heart. She loves you, and so does Jack. It's so. Well two black guys came around selling sunglasses and i guess i just bottled it so on the third my future wife caught his attention , he came over and showed us his sunglasses and fake tag heur watches , a third guy came around the bar 10- 15 mins later and my wife caught his attention , he greeted her with a big smile and started to pull out all the ladies glasses he had until i stopped him and asked him if he had any weed . His smile changed , he looked like he was about to batter me , said something about british being all the same and stormed off . We just laughed and ordered another couple of beers , after another ten mins i walked off to the toilet and was gone at most maybe five mins , as i come back to our table i seen the same black seller that we had upset a little while ago.He left before i reached my wife , smiled and winked at me as he left the bar down the steps. I asked my wife what he wanted and she said if we still wanted some weed we should meet him by the sunbeds.
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