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I'd had what at most times would have been great hands, but some one always had one that was just a little bit better. The final straw was when I bet my last dollar on four sevens and got beat by four jacks. I threw the hand in, "That's it for me guys. If I can't win with a hand like that I'm wasting my time sitting here."Alex laughed and said, "Your luck is a whole lot better than you think, right guys?"The rest of the guys all smiled and a few of them gave me thumbs up sign. Alex looked at his watch and said, "In fact, your luck should change almost any minute now."I was tapped out so I just watched the next hand and just before it was over I heard the front door open and a voice call out, "Honey I'm home. Give me a couple of minutes, okay?"About five minutes later Lois walked into the room and the sight of her took my breath away. Her long black hair was loose and it hung down to the middle of her back. Green eyes sparkled out of as beautiful a smile as I'd ever seen, but what had. Though I am originally from Jaipur & my husband is from Udaipur. We come from an educated family and brought up wisely.Ours was an arranged marriage and my husband Sagar is a hardworking but otherwise jolly person. He is the life of any party and after 3 drinks he is just opposite of a sophisticated its personnel. His group of friends is majorly from business class as he didn’t find it fun among his colleagues and always calls them mean and bad untrusted people. He keeps looking for good opportunities to start his own business into it. Coming to the main sex story. Last year, Wipro sent him to the USA for 3 months and after 2 months they further extended his stay for another 3 months. Initially, I was ok as I was mentally prepared for 3 months but his extension brought me to tears. I was hugely disappointed and started to sink in few days. I never let him knew my sinking as he too was disturbed.Especially during nights, I started missing Sagar badly and cried 6-7 nights in a row.
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