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The plane is early and ahead of schedule I have almost two hrs to kill before the shuttle to my hotel is suppose to pick me up. The airplane is at the gate and stopped. All of the passengers are deplaning. The young man next to me is in a hurry, is quickly up and one of the first to leave.I have gotten all of my things together from the overhead and so has Lena who is close behind.I have to go to the ladies room, but Lena needs to go even worse, she has drank twice as much as I! But I really needed to go pee now! We have left our things at the arrival gate with the agent and I am on my way, before I know it, Lena is beside me and has grabbed my hand. I wasn't sure what to do. Why is it that we girls always want go to the ladies room together? She says with a laugh!. Chicago's O' Hare International Airport is one of the busiest in the nation if not the world so when we finally are in there, it is full. We wait a little while, and try to make small talk as I dance around. I told her. Finally we settled on my traveling wardrobe and I was packed by Wednesday night. I had one chore left and that was to ask Mr. Moss for the day off Friday. I figured he would take me into his office, lecture me on the finer points of time off and then 'ask' for a little favor for himself. He did and I gulped down a nice mouthful of his man cream.Friday finally arrived and I was up at the crack of dawn. I chose to wear one of my long summer dresses. You know, the ones that buttoned from your neck to your ankles. Yeah, like I would be allowed to button anything I wore closed. It was one of only a handful of dress cut to this length that Roger approved of, which came mainly because he could chose the amount of buttons actually buttoned. I began pestering Roger early that morning to hurry up. I must have annoyed him too much because he yanked me over his knee and smacked my naked ass until I was almost in tears. Then he soothed my backside and snuck a finger or two in my wet gash. I always.
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