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I took Janos’ cock in my mouth all the way to its base and spread as much saliva around as I could manage. It was a strange feeling as Janos’ cock began to harden and lengthen in my mouth, and Hippolyte almost took over to jump back in surprise. I held on and slid my pursed lips back up his cock as he hardened and lengthened. I also rubbed my tongue along the bottom of Janos’ cock for its full length as I pulled back. During this, Janos began to pant and squirm in delight. I wanted both Hippolyte and Janos to enjoy this blowjob as much as I expected to.This whole thing was getting to Janos: both the sensations and the novelty of a mistress giving a blowjob to a slave. This blowjob ritual had a multitude of purposes, other than to make Janos shoot off and empty his balls before he made his first penetration. One other thing that I was looking for was to build a bond of loyalty from Janos to Hippolyte that made him want to give her the best fuck that he could manage.I applied a gentle. Since you'd already saved my ass several times, I figured it was time to make it official." Thanks, Bill. You ARE a good friend! So, what do you say to us going to work?"Bill couldn't resist dropping the word about Eddy in the first saloon they went in and the word spread faster than they could walk the route. By the third saloon, the bartender congratulated Eddy and by the fourth saloon there was a rowdy who wanted to make a local name for himself.He drew his pistol and pointed it at Eddy as soon as he and Bill walked into the saloon. As soon as the rowdy yelled an insult at Eddy, all of the patrons scurried to get out of the line of fire.Eddy spoke calmly, "Now put that pistol up and I'll buy you a beer. You know you can't win going against me. If nothing else, Bill, here, will blow you to tatters with his shotgun if you pull that trigger. So just you back off and we'll forget this happened." No way will I back off! I'm here to prove that I'm a better man than some two-bit kid who.
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