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I placed my hands on his thighs, I knew better than to push him away, but I thought I could time his thrusts better if I were touching him. I learned when to inhale. I thought only about breathing. I had to force my neck to relax and let my mouth hang open. Tears welled up in my eyes and spilled over, falling down my cheeks. I wasn't in pain. I wasn't even fearful. I was just disappointed that I had let him down. I knew better than to challenge him."Use your hand."My hand? I remembered having seen Felicia use her hand at his root. I wrapped my fingers around him and tried to mimic the motions I'd seen her use."Up." He pulled at my arms and forced me to my feet. A rough shove sent me head first into the bed. When I started to scramble up he pulled me back to the floor with my hips. Not a warning, no warm up for me, nothing, he shoved his hand in my back pushing me to the bed. He kicked each of my feet wide apart and thrust his penis into my pussy. "Close your legs." I snapped my feet. I hoped that he would keep it to himself, but he didn't. We were almost home when he glanced my way and let out a breath."I'm sorry, Rory." I turned even more towards the window after that. I didn't want his apology. "Whatever you think happened between your mom and me... you don't have the whole story. It was complicated. I'm sorry you're mad at me, but I can't help that I wasn't there for your mom, or you. You have no idea how sorry I am that I wasn't there for you. But I can't change that I wasn't, and I can't change that your mom died, and I can't change it if you want to hate me. I don't know... maybe you have the right to hate me. But I'm here now. And maybe I can't make up for..." You can't," I interrupted shortly, as we reached the house and pulled into the garage. "All you can do now is make it worse. Just... leave me alone."I was out of the car as soon as it stopped and I fled into the house, suddenly finding it very hard to think straight. I left Eddie sitting in the.
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