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Who knows? He may have been doing his first owner in this house as well?. I guess part of my decision was made for me just because it was just gonna be so dam easy to pull off.All I had to do was either wait for Luxor to dig his way back into our back yard and let him in the house. Or I could do some digging for him to make it happen faster. Well my husband helped me with the decision, he got assigned to hauling a load up to Canada through Michigan and the delay at customs was gonna make sure that he was gone for at least a day and a half if not more, depending on how long it took at the border. The money is just too good on these runs to ever say no. The night before he was to leave he hit the sack early for his early start and I was left up alone. I knew that one of those two next door worked nights, nice young couple. Ha, nice till you know what dog fuckers they are. Well ok I was going to be too before this time tomorrow. I turned the tv on low and went out just after dark. The. Maybe, at the very least, some fresh food would cheer you up. There were a lot of people but none of them noticed you. The scent of baked goods and other food filled the air and you continued through.A voice caught your attention. It was an old man sitting at a stand, filled with strange items."Hello there, Thomas."This old man knew your name. You still don't understand how. But it interested you, so you couldn't help but approach him. Thank goodness you did, because what this old man was selling would soon change your life. You looked over his stock, not remembering much beyond odd trinkets--rabbit's feet, tiger claws, etc."You look interested... If not, I know you will be. I have something perfect for you."He held to you a silver necklace with a ruby pendant. It was beautifully made."Why would I want that?" you asked."This is a powerful object. It allows the wearer to achieve things far beyond any mortal man. If you grasp it within your hand and speak of someone, they'll be.
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