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”Morales went back to the research on harvesting wheat.After reading about wheat for the next hour and comparing what he had learned there to the few handfuls of wheat he had brought back with him, he decided that it was ready to harvest. “Oh, great,” he told Lobo. “With all I have to do, now I have to stop and harvest the wheat before it gets blown down and ruined by the rain. But, by damn, I can live off nothing but bread for weeks or months if I have to, and the wheat should stay good throughout the winter if I store it here in our cave. If I can come up with some sourdough starter in place of yeast, I can have real bread any time I want – provided my oven doesn’t fall apart.”Shutting down his computer, he walked over to where he had stored the various items that came with his and Robertson’s cases. Taking one of the scythe blades, he sat, thinking. He had already seen pictures of scythes on the computer, and there was even a video of someone using one, but the scythe handle wasn’t. On the street she hailed a cab and gave him her address.Away from the music and incessant beat of the bass speakers – away from the debaucherous act she had just committed she tried to grasp a fleeting reality that was still just out of reach.She leaned against the window in resignation. She felt like she had just had the most massive orgasm of her life – this is how she ‘should’ have felt earlier after her personal release. Even with the cabby’s lecherous glare constantly attacking her from the rear view mirror, she smiled to herself in the reflection of the side window.“That was fucking good.” She thought.The cabby adjusted his rear-view mirror in a vain attempt to see more of his charges partially exposed body. He was a normal 35 year old male attempting to pay for his return to college with a part time job chauffeuring mostly drunk people around into the late hours of the night. Often his job was half policeman, part bouncer, and mostly irritating. But tonight was different. Had.
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