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Once you have witnessed your in laws going at it in your own bedroom, things become a little awkward, especially when there has been no mention of it ever since. I thought maybe Janet would have confronted me about spying on her and her husband but then I wondered how she would even begin to argue seen as it was my room they were defiling.I had no complaints myself. In fact, I had not stopped thinking about it and the more I thought about it, the more I reached the conclusion that my doubts about the holiday were probably because my girlfriend would be there. A large part of me wished that it was just me and the in-laws and another part of me grew ever larger at the thought of being alone with them in Spain.The morning of the flight dawned upon us and the house was a flurry of activity as everybody scrambled to do some last minute packing. I had packed the previous night and so lazily made my way downstairs to get something to eat. On my way down, Janet passed through the hallway.. Sammi and Wanda still needed to complete theirs. Sammi's said "Strip completely naked under the bleachers. Stay naked at least five minutes."Wanda's said, "After the game enter the team locker room. Bring something out of a player's locker to prove you were there."They had both waited until everyone else had gone. Sammi should be naked by now, Wanda thought as she neared the bend at the end of the hall.She steadied her nerve by telling herself that everyone was gone and that she wanted to be done before Sammi. She snuck around the corner and into a dark locker room. Wanda didn't care for the smell and was shocked to see all the lockers were empty. Confused, she quietly looked around some more. All the lockers were empty.That's when she saw another door. The sign on the door said "Warrior Team Room" and below that "Players Only".Aha. Apparently she was standing in the gym locker room. The players had their own locker room. Being very quiet she snuck to that door. She tested the door.
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