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When she came into the assessment room, I had my back to the door and I asked her to strip down for the assessment without looking backward. When I finished with what I was doing, I turned around and nearly fell over. Standing in front of me with no bra and the smallest thong on was the most exquisite body I had ever seen. It took me all of 10 seconds to gather myself and very shakily asked her to jump on the scale. Next was her blood pressure measurement, which was fine. It was when I measured her heart rate that I noticed things were a bit funny. It was higher than most people were and she was slightly out of breath. “Are you ok?” I asked. “Yes just hot” she replied. I silently agreed to that. The next step was to measure the circumference and dimensions. I started with the arms and then the chest. Standing in front of her, I asked her to lift her arms and reached around her with the measuring tape. Her beautiful breasts were right in my face and I could lick her nipples. The teacher felt wetness that was more than just the heat demanded touch the front of her panties as Rory thrust with her hips.Paris was nibbling the side of her neck and her own dampness touched Angelina as the shorter blonde rubbed on the teacher's bottom. The black haired woman's hips rocked back and forth as she attempted to maintain contact with both of the young women who had her pinned between them. That part became easier as Paris moved her hands, allowing Rory to plaster herself completely against her front.Angelina's pussy had once again soaked through the pantyhose that were all that remained of her clothing along with her own high heels. The nylon covering her ass was just as wet from Paris, who was dripping against her as the young blonde firmly thrust herself against her teacher. Those movements were matched by the brunette who was plastered against her front. The pair of now ex-students had her trapped between them and she loved it.Movements were becoming frantic. Rory.
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