My Sexfriend Mishu hindi porn

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This was feeling very good. What did I look like? Being held up by a boy and fucked into like a sex doll. My rumblings were starting and my boy was not going to last long. I unlocked my legs and dropped them to the floor, forcing his cock out of me. He looked at me, disappointed for a moment. I scooted over to the wall and he followed. This was what I wanted to try. Being fucked standing up while pushed against a wall. I leaned back and he grabbed my arse and lifted me up again so I could throw my legs around his waist. He drove into me quickly and I rested my back and shoulders against the wall, dropping my arms from around his neck. I just wanted to hang there, not touching anything, except his cock in me and his arms under my thighs with his hands on my arse to hold me up. God it felt good. Just do it boy. Use it for what you want. I rested my head back against the wall and opened my legs wide, inviting him deeper. He looked at my face,. "Target approaching the streets. Should I disable the missile?" Eagle asked the base."Negative. The monster is moving towards the suburbs on Brooklyn. We must stun the beast so that Firefly gets time to intercept it," the base called back.Moments later the missile impacted. The roar of anger from the beast almost compared to the explosion. One of the hind legs had been hit, the explosion breaking the sturdy exoskeleton that covered the alien.The momentum of the alien had already been high but the explosion added yet more momentum, sending it flying forward. It twisted in the air, extending the wicked claws on the forelegs to catch hold of something. The claws turned out to be to sharp, cutting through bushes and trees without effort.The forward movement was brutally stopped when it reached the street. It tumbled into a passing car, sending it off the road. The alien beast still had some momentum left but claws digging into the ground took care of that.Around it cars were desperately.
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